I have to share a roach horror story that still gives me the willies, but on the flip-side, this roach's little life had a definite purpose. Maintenance had been in my apartment that day, and they had to remove the vent in the wall in my bedroom, to ge
Published on July 17, 2005 By ValerieG In Blogging
I have to share a roach horror story that still gives me the willies, but on the flip-side, this roach's little life had a definite purpose.

Maintenance had been in my apartment that day, and they had to remove the vent in the wall in my bedroom, to get to the water pipes in the wall. There was work being done in the bathroom. I think this is were the roach came from, because I rarely, if ever, saw a roach there. This was an apartment complex in Philadelphia, PA. (We did get waterbugs, though, big and black and filled with water -- yuk!!!)

Anyway, I had a very nasty and infected broken open blister on the back of my foot. I fell asleep with no bandage on it and with bare feet.

In the middle of the night, I'm in a light sleep, and all of a sudden, I feel something frenzily tugging at the wound on the back of my foot. I remember feeling a really sharp tug that hurt, so I rolled over and heard something go squish! I was still half asleep at the time and drifted back into a sleep.

In the morning, I woke to find that I had killed a roach when I rolled over. It was dead near my feet on the bed. The good news is that the roach had cured the infection off of the back of my foot. The sore healed wonderfully, after having all of the infection chewed off of it by my little friend! God bless that roach.

on Jul 18, 2005
Valerie, your story got me thinking that maybe you could start your own company supplying roaches to hospitals and other medical places. Like the company Biopharm that supplies leeches for plastic and reconstructive surgery. Your company will provide roaches to eat patient's infections.

You could call it 'Valerie's Roaches' or since you're from Philadephia maybe 'Philly Roaches'. BTW many times a "roach" has help me but strictly for medicinal purposes. And ironically my "roach" was called a Philly blunt.